Emmerdale - Season 31 Episode 1: Tuesday 1 January 2002


    Soap / Drama

PART ONE Marc is in his bedroom at the Reynolds sorting CD's; In the vicarage Ashley wishes his baby 'Molly' a Happy New Year; In the kitchen at the Reynolds Ollie tells her mum and Len about Marc storming off from the party. Marc enters and refuses any breakfast; At the Dale Park bar Maggie talks to Craig about why Phil hasn't phoned. Nicola makes a nasty comment; Bernice enters the kitchen in the vicarage and questions why Ashley had not woken her. Bernice wants to get back to work but Ashley thinks she should go back to bed; Cynthia is clearing up in the Daggerts. She gives Latisha a hard time over Cain; In Tara's Range Rover outside the Reynolds Sean asks Tara if she minds him spending the day with Marc. Carmel wonders what Tara & Sean are doing in a place like Emmerdale; Sean walks up to the Reynolds house and wishes Marc a Happy New Year. They go inside; Inside the Reynolds Angie is offended that Marc would prefer to spend time with Sean than her. Ollie asks to go with her father.

Season 31 Episodes


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