Coronation Street - Season 21 Episode 2: 7th January 1980



Rita tells Len she wants a decent home to live in. Len tells her to make a list of alterations. Jim Sedgewick tells Emily and Gail he's bought the cafe off Joe Dawson. Susan returns to Glasgow. Elsie asks Mike for her old job back, promising she'll be reliable. He tells her that he does need someone to help him at the factory. Gail fears Sedgewick will sack her. Rita gives Len her required alterations for No.9, which include knocking the two rooms into one and a fitted kitchen. She accuses him of not caring and rips the list up. She tells him that she's sick of the way they live. Ivy tells Mike she wants to be made supervisor as she's been doing the job in all but name. She warns him that the girls won't stand for Elsie being taken back on. Sedgewick tells Emily the jobs are safe. He intends to bring a jukebox in, telling her that he's turning the place into a transport cafe to take advantage of the new lorry park on Canal Street - Emily is horrified..

Season 21 Episodes


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