Coronation Street - Season 9 Episode 8: 24 Jan 1968
- Soap
Ena has spent a frozen night in the Vestry with the amenities cut off pending the demolition. She refuses to tell Mr Ironfield where she's going to live afterwards and insists he helps the removal men shift the harmonium. Jerry tells David that Irma hardly stayed on the ice at the rink but spent most of the night in the snack bar. Nevertheless she wants to go again. Dennis is depressed at Jenny's departure. Hilda questions Annie on her views about women working as she's thinking about devoting all of her time to Stan. Annie worries that Hilda's going to hand in her notice but Jack reminds her that it will deprive Stan of his beer money. Ena lets the removal men pack the van full of her belongings before telling them she's moving across the road to No. 5, much to Minnie's delight..